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Documentation Introduction Migrating

Migrating from Jekyll

While Bridgetown still bears conceptual similarities to Jekyll at first glance, quite a lot has changed. (Just read this rundown of 40 new and enhanced features!) The default folder structure of a Bridgetown website is a bit different as well. Our recommendation is that, rather than try to transform an existing Jekyll repo into a Bridgetown one, you create a new Bridgetown site from scratch and then copy various files and content over from your Jekyll project in a systematic fashion.

Here are some steps you can take to do just that:

  1. Create your project. After installing Bridgetown, run bridgetown new to create your blank repo. The frontend folder is for saving frontend assets (CSS, JavaScript, fonts, and possibly images), the src folder is for content and static files (which also may include images), and the plugins folder is for any custom Ruby plugins you want to add. If much of your content is primarily in Markdown or HTML file, you shouldn’t have much difficulty loading them in with Bridgetown. We also support data files (YAML, JSON, CSV) in a similar fashion. More docs here.
  2. Set up your metadata. For metadata like your site title, email address, seo defaults, whatever, you’ll generally want to put those in src/_data/site_metadata.yml rather than in the main config file. The bonus is, you can change these values and live reload will allow you to preview your changes in real-time. More docs here.
  3. Review your frontend bundling setup. With esbuild, you can import both Sass and vanilla CSS files which are then processed through PostCSS. Unlike with Jekyll, Bridgetown’s frontend pipeline via esbuild requires you to define all your imports from the entrypoints (index.js or index.(s)css). Typically there’s no automatic concatenation of files within the frontend folders. More docs here.
  4. Need to create a theme? Bridgetown’s theming system is different from Jekyll. You can either pull theme files (content, stylesheets, etc.) directly into your project and use them that way, or you can create a new gem-based Bridgetown theme. More docs here
  5. Copy over your content. You can copy your Liquid layouts over to src/_layouts , and other content can go into similar places within src. You’ll need to update your Liquid code to use resources—for example, instead of looping through site.posts you’ll loop through collections.posts.resources. And instead of page.url you’ll need to write page.relative_url. More docs here.
  6. Update your includes. Jekyll includes will need to be converted to Liquid components inside of src/_components which are accessed via the render tag. More docs here.
  7. Update your plugins. Plugins will need to be updated to use Bridgetown APIs. Some “legacy” APIs are still supported (like generators) and hooks work in a similar fashion. Be sure to use the right class names and module namespaces so that your code is compatible with the Zeitwerk autoloader. More docs here.
  8. Find equivalent plugin gems. For some third-party gems you might be using in your Jekyll project, there could be Bridgetown equivalents (jekyll-feed -> bridgetown-feed). View the plugins directory.
  9. Still stuck? If you run into major roadblocks and just can’t seem to get past the initial migration effort, we encourage you to take advantage of our community support channels to help get you unstuck. Note that it’s always much easier if you’re able to share a repo link so someone can try to reproduce your issue and offer useful advice.

Additional Points to Consider: #

Learn new commands. To build a Bridgetown site, run bin/bridgetown build (bin/bt b for short). To start a server, run bin/bridgetown start (bin/bt s for short). And for deployment builds, you’ll want to run bin/bridgetown deploy and make sure the BRIDGETOWN_ENV environment variable is set to production. And a very cool feature you’ll be introduced to with Bridgetown: you can run bin/bridgetown console (bin/bt c for short) to boot up an IRB-based REPL where you can inspect your collections and data, interact with plugins, and test out various bits of Ruby code right there in your terminal. More docs here.

What about drafts? There’s no special “drafts” folder or draft mode for content in Bridgetown. You can simply set certain items to published: false, and in order to see those items locally in order to preview, pass the --unpublished or -U command line option.

Content is less confusing. The behavior of pages vs. posts vs. custom collection items is much closer and more predictable due to the revamped “resource” content engine in Bridgetown. There’s literally a pages collection now (you can either store pages directly in the src folder or within the _pages subfolder), and you can configure custom collections to behave identically to the posts collection if you so with. Custom collection items can contribute categories and tags to the overall site (they’re not posts-only). Read more about collections.

Mind your permalinks. Permalinks are formatted a bit differently now. You’ll want to end your permalink templates with either a slash / (preferred) or a wildcard .* in order to ensure the appropriate extension is used. Read more about permalinks.

You’re no longer limited to Liquid. Liquid is a fine template language to get started with, but more advanced site builds will quickly run into its limitations. With Bridgetown, you have the option to use ERB, plain Ruby, or other template languages like Serbea or Haml. In addition, you can write Ruby view components to DRY up much of your template code and create more of a disciplined design system. Read more about templates and components to see what’s possible.

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