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Documentation Introduction

Migrating from…?

Wondering how you can migrate to Bridgetown from another site builder or framework? We’ve begun to fill this page out with various examples…and the first one is none other than Jekyll!

Jekyll #

Bridgetown started out as a fork of Jekyll in early 2020, and since then has evolved rapidly to offer a plethora of new features and capabilities. Nearly 800 commits later from 33 contributors and counting, Bridgetown is powering websites deployed all around the world and has helped usher new developers into the Ruby fold. We are filled with gratitude that Bridgetown is generously sponsored by dozens of individual supporters on GitHub and is ranked 4th in general-purpose Ruby-based site generators by GitHub stars.

As an example of our progress since the fork, here’s a rundown of 40 features Bridgetown has implemented, with more on the way…

Ready to migrate to Bridgetown? Here’s an overview guide of the steps you’ll want to take.

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